I double checked the wiring and tried to write a little program in arduino ide to move the stepper motor without grbl (deleted grbl, wrote a little program wich manually set the intervals ecc), without changing the wiring, that worked.

However when i try to move the x-axis under the control-panel in bcnc, nothing moves, on the screen the numbers change correctly and i get an ok in the logs, but the motor does not move a bit. I downloaded GRBL from Github and flashed it to the Arduino (i can run grbl-commands from the serial monitor inside the arduino ide, grbl is unlocked), connected everything and opened up bCNC, searched for the arduino on com-port, wich is shown correctly, and connected wich works fine (in the main screen "connected" shows up). 24V go to + and ground port of the driver, the 4 motor-wires are wired accordingly to the driver Pin 2 to PUL, Pin 5 to DIR, Pin 8 to ENA 5v from arduino to the three + Pins (ENA, DIR and PUL)

Please Note: If you only need to make a basic IC, Fritzing (New) Parts Editor allows you to make custom ICs easily, and you won’t need to download a vector graphic editor. Now, i connected one stepper-driver and stepper-motor as x-axis to the arduino. Download and Install You will need to download and install the following software in order to follow along and make your own custom Fritzing part. 24v Power Supply (wich powers the stepper motor(s) Elegoo Arduino Uno, on wich i flashed GRBL If you find parts that are broken post a link to them here and one of us will likely fix them for you.I've already searched and tried for a quite depressing amount of hours, but am not able to solve this problem: Print the footprint out on paper at one to one scale and try it against a real part before ordering boards. You need to check the pcb footprints of the parts before ordering boards because user supplied parts are of varying quality (and sometimes just plain wrong). I’m not sure what an additional power module is because it doesn’t appear in the parts list for the kit that google finds, unless you mean the ywrobot power supply board which is here: From the Arduino Uno to the MPU-6050 and to the L298N Motor Driver and finally from the L298N to the N20 DC motors. You now have the stepper driver and motor parts which appear to match those in the kit. Step 1: Fritzing Diagram Fritzing Wiring Diagram: The attached Fritzing diagram shows the various connections from the batteries, via the two-pole switch, to the Arduino Uno.

Right click on both parts and select export part to write them as an fzpz file. Downloading Motors.fzz and loading it in to Fritzing gets you the stepper driver and stepper motor in the temp parts directory. A search for “fritzing part unl2003” (which is the stepper driver) turns up