The sprite was also updated but still not used in the DS port. The mugshot turns up again in Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge exactly as it appears.

It is likely that Sal hadn't even existed before and was planned later in the development process. None of these sprites are used because in the final WoodMan is an optional freefight by talking to Sal. Because he was a planned stage boss, he was supposed to have dialogue and still has a complete mugshot. WoodMan has one overworld sprite, which would have made an awkward encounter since bosses are hardly, if ever, fought in that location. In the final game, this was changed so that FireMan became the first boss in the oven network. Several earlier screenshots and scans of a prototype version suggest that WoodMan was the first boss and he was to be fought in the school network. WoodMan also has some unused sprites, likely because he was planned to be the first boss. An extra animation of them laying on the floor goes unused as well. It is also the only alternate color that these sprites have. The Mr.Progs also have unused sprites, including a palette: the gray-green color scheme is never used in the game. Three additional fins are also present but not used. SharkMan has its fins listed as separate enemies.The remaining two are filled with white dots. Bass, being an optional boss in the game, only has a single variation.It can be assumed that bosses were to fill the gaps but were ultimately removed. On the enemy list, between ShadowMan and MagicMan are three blank entries.The third one is just a copy of the unused Fishy virus using a white dot as a sprite.